Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Stop and Smell the Coffee

Have you ever stopped to smell the coffee? Just the other day, I had to sit through an excrutatingly painful meeting. The only thing that helped me make it through was a venti cup of coffee from Starbucks. As I sat there pondering the meaning of life and how coffee helps me maintian my sanity, I began to appreciate my Starbucks all the more. You know, the regular stuff they offer at the office and the cheap stuff they sell at the grocery don't even compare to Starbucks. Not only does it taste funky, it smells bad. A number of people criticize the commercialization and trendiness of coffee, but I have to tell you...they are wrong. Some people spend $60,000 on a car. Don't gripe at me if I enjoy a $2.11 cup of coffee during a painful meeting. Starbucks rocks! Don't hate on coffee. For all the cynics out there, I would encourage you to stop and smell the coffee. No wonder you are angry...get some good coffee.